Reference Articles & Videos

1. Reinventing Business Organizations: The information culture framework by Dr. Mohammed Naved Khan, Feza Tabassum Azmi (Singapore Management Review, Volume 27 No 2)

2. Research commentary: An Agenda for Information Technology Research in Heterogeneous and Distributed Enivronments by Salvatore March, Alan Hevner, Sudha Ram (Information Systems Research, Vol. 11, No. 4, December 2000, pp. 327-341)

3. Understanding mindshift learning: The transition to Object-Oriented Development ( MIS Quarterly; Sep2007, Vol. 31 Issue 3, p453-474, 22p)

4. Why Big Software Projects Fail: The 12 Key Questions, by Watts Humphrey, The Software Engineering Institute

5. On The Nature of Computing by John Crowcroft, Communications of the ACM February 2005, Vol. 48, No. 2

6. Inside Risks/ John C.Knight & Nancy G. Levenson, Software & Higher Education January 2006/ Vol. 49. No. 1 Communication of the ACM

7. IT doesn't matter by Nicholas Carr

8. Why IT does matter by F. Warren McFarlan and Richard L. Nolan (

9. Why don't managers think deeply (Time to reflect)

10. 12 Things You Know About Projects but Choose to Ignore
Bart Perkins. Computerworld. Framingham: Mar 12, 2007. Vol. 41, Iss. 11; pg. 34, 1 pgs

11. Four Fundamental Categories Of Innovation by Vijay Govindarajan

12. Social networking sites: definition, history, and scholarship

13. Is Google Making Us Stupid? What the Internet is doing to our brains
By Nicholas Carr, Illustration by Guy Billout

14. The maker generation of the enterprise by JP Rangasami

15. Staying Power: Six enduring principles for managing strategy and innovation in an uncertain world by Prof. Cusumano

16. Revolution in the age of internet

17. Systemic Thinking by Verta Midcalf, Raji Gogulapati, Tamara Reeves, Michael Seller,
Steve Wyre, Amy Adolph, Wendy Scweitzer