Monday, May 21, 2007

Information Systems Thinking

It is useful and meaningful to view anything under this world as a "system". Any system has a source or input. There is some processing with the input to produce an output. Feedback loop is the mechanism to ensure corrections that enables a dynamic system which evolves and changes with some variable.

Any computer information system is dynamic and falls under this umbrella. Complex Information systems are often systems of systems. Consider software products and applications used in the daily work as Systems of systems.

Computer Systems components consist of input, output, process and feedback loop.

I used to see it as an idea borrowed from the classic engineering control theory [Reference 1]. That was when I was still a student of engineering. The more I started to think, nature, economics or any complex system adheres to the systems approach. It helps analyse any system with this approach. System is a very powerful word - we can't afford to underestimate its potential.

There are just two or three very powerful analytical tools that come in handy for the Information Systems professional in addition to Systems thinking. I would place modeling, feasibility study and proposal writing and critical thinking on the same pedastal as Systems thinking. These are the foundations necessary for any aspiring professional in this industry.

A model is the language to describe the system. Feasibility study explains the need and enables a justified basis to build the system. Critical thinking allows one to question systematically with seriousness to understand the scope, barriers and the potential of the system.

The references below are not complete. They will certainly help to get started on the seemingly simple words used in this blog.







