Tuesday, May 22, 2007

IS Professional Career Paths

I often listen to questions on dealing with changes in career paths for a Software Professional. Not long ago (perhaps a decade ago) the questions were on choices of career paths for a Software Professional.

I don't know if a family physician thinks of becoming a brain surgeon after working for 2 years or head the hospital blood bank division? I am also not sure if an musician wonders if he/ she were to change the instrument after playing for a few years. I might say the debates and dilemmas are a natural part of the inner dialogue.

Are there any 10 steps to achieve professional success (similar to the popular seven steps to spiritual success/ or seven habits of highly effective "what not")?

The answer depends. It is really figuring out about working with the building blocks of the industry, people and the discipline.
The most important skills required are curiosity, perseverance to understand and figure out issues from several perspectives.

Systems Thinking and analysis is an attribute that helps anyone intending to be closely or remotely connected to the Software Industry. I would also add knowledge of the business he/ she is serving. Knowledge of the business brings about some high order thinking in order to handle situations when things go wrong or requires handling changes.

Basic Software building blocks are pen/ pencil, white board or paper, people with their heads on the issues. Each of the automated or manual tools that a Software professional comes across undergo metamorphosis. Understanding the roadmaps of these tools and be able to use them effectively depend on the individual.

Computer Hardware building blocks are silicon processors and devices manufactured mostly! Communication hardware is about networks and devices.

Teams of self disciplined people are needed to integrate and raise intangible software systems and products out of these to create Information Systems.

People can and like to play several roles at several points during their careers. The efficiency, productivity and success are about the person handling the role.
Beauty of each role or career is in the eyes of the beholder!

Points to Ponder:

Are there any habits that can be cultivated for life long learning in this profession?