Monday, May 28, 2007

Software Programming

My faith in the software industry tells me that I will be able to see more works on the critique of software. Anyone who has worked atleast a decade in the software programming area directly involved with software (reading, writing and talking in the language of programming) would understand that software development is very similar to writing poetry. It involves creativity and openness to review or criticism. The key to achieving these traits is "practice" with "memory, symbol and patterns [Ref. 2]

Software reviews provide the doorway to better software, the necessary documentation that help understand and use the software. A software professional would certainly benefit with more training in the ways of writing better software and documentation, ways of reviewing software.

When an English student is exposed to literary works, the teacher exposes the student to not only the actual work produced by the author, but also to the critique on both the author as well as the literary tools to understand the work better.

Are software programming courses taught in schools highlighting the artistic perspective of the subject?

Are students exposed on how to produce works of software that stand the tests of time?

Are software professionals able to appreciate their involvement in producing the necessary documentation that is useful to the stakeholders especially the customers?

Are software programmers open to review and criticism?


1. The Poetry of programming

2. How to read literature like a professor by Thomas C. Foster