Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Figuring out Issues & Systems Analysis

Systems thinking and analysis comes in handy while figuring out issues.

Take an example of designing a Security solution for an Information system. Let's assume it is an architectural task for now.

For starters, the architect is expected to analyse what the task is about and figure out how to resolve the issue on hand.

What are the objectives of the task, what are the inputs, outputs, who are interested (stakeholders) in this, what are their requirements, why is the task important to the stakeholders, what is the knowledge required to accomplish the tasks, what components of the Information System could address this are just a few of the high level questions facing the architect. Questions seeking answers go deeper and deeper depending on the knowledge and experience of the architect.

Then the architect will have to compare and contrast the pros and cons of possible solutions. Elimination of risky options and adoption of optimal solutions is the goal of the knowledge activities here. This process can go on to any level of depth desired. The security solution development has a life cycle very closely tied to the Information Systems development life cycle.

Taking it to the code level is a transition that the architect could continue with or leave it for others to fill in. Either way, analysing the issue on hand to deeper levels continues. Several design and development methodologies will have to be adopted. Fitting in with existing software, developing the solution, testing the implementation and then refining for acceptance by the stakeholders are the major steps usually seen as a developer's work areas. Analysing at every stage, researching and reflecting on the right solution requires deep thinking with the right approaches.

I am sure IS professionals have these experiences from time to time.

Points to ponder:

1. How would the right approaches occur at the first instant to a professional?

2. How many trials and errors will get the solution seeker be confident that the solution is in the right direction?

3. Is the time spent on deeper analysis and thinking considered as a "waste of time" for achieving fast cycles?