Thursday, September 6, 2007

A peek into the Agile Methodologies - Yet another Insurance Policy

It took time (about 25 years) to benefit and build common sense into systems development approaches from the lessons learnt over traditional methodologies. Experience trying out several methods over large and small systems building projects helped the people in software engineering environments understand to a certain extent about the SDLC methodology.

Agile methodologies are the result of time spent on valuing the various issues that need to be taken into account while building systems. They are seen and believed as a great leap forward from the traditional waterfall SDLC methodologies by some and debated for their credibility by some others.

Matured professionals in any knowledge field admit that learning, doing and delivering goods takes time. Several external and internal factors influence the delivery. It requires review and rework over several iterations considering several factors to deliver goods of quality appreciated by those who invest in them.

For example, a piece of literary work takes several iterations to deliver publishable work. If the work is considerably complex, it would also be reasonable to expect incremental publications. Similar issues are considered for the releases of software products. Software products are released for use after several cycles of development work.

Literary works need not perform in the field satisfying diverse customers. They are stored in libraries, picked up with care and preserved for later use by interested people. Ofcourse, if the author is looking for reaping rewards academically or for financial benefits out of the publication, complexities do arise.
IS systems in businesses don't have this luxury to start with. They need to perform satisfying user expectations. The systems thinking and analysis of the difficulties faced in building complex computer Information systems led to several changes based on feedback and trials and errors to build better systems.

A peek into the agile methods for the reader's convenience is provided here. It is not the goal of this post to provide a comprehensive knowledge base on these methodologies. There are several sources the reader can refer to for the details.

Agile methods follow four values and 12 principles of the Agile manifesto [1]
The values of the signers of Agile manifesto are
- Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
- Working software over comprehensive documentation
- Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
- Responding to change over following a plan
Agile methods are iterative, incremental, self organizing and emergent [2].

Extreme Programming, Scrum, Crystal are some of the popular agile methodologies.

Several development approaches and choices cannot and should not become a distraction to the main theme "software systems development". SCRUM or Cystal, Agile manifesto or the traditional waterfall approach is just yet another insurance for the safe journey of a healthy Information System development. An IS system that works and performs at a given point of time to the satisfaction of its stakeholders is a much larger goal worth achieving.

Points to ponder:

1. Which of the following areas is the key ingredient in successfully building Information systems?
a) SDLC methodology adopted
b) choosing agile methodologies
c) being open to adapt to changes with feedback and analysis
d) involving customers and other stakeholders
e) team work and daily discussions
f) management commitment and follow-up
g) maturity of the organization in adopting processes and methodologies
h) architecture chosen
i) technologies chosen
j) evaluating requirements from time to time
k) all of the above
l) all of the above and many other criteria not laid out above



2. Emperical Findings in Agile Methods
Lecture Notes In Computer Science; Vol. 2418 archive
Proceedings of the Second XP Universe and First Agile Universe Conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Methods - XP/Agile Universe 2002 table of contents

Pages: 197 - 207
Year of Publication: 2002