Sunday, May 31, 2009

IS Professional - Code of conduct

What is the code of conduct among professionals when reporting, giving feedback evaluating performance?

I have seen and heard confusion, raised voices, satire and glimpses of mistrust, laughing at failures even in simple settings and scenarios such as weekly reporting or a meeting among the professionals. This type of behavior is found in both structured and unstructured as well as mid to large scale organizations.  It prevails across cultures, geographical regions and people of all levels of experience.

This is probably where the soul and culture of an organization sets the measure and standard. Openness in communication does not mean crossing the limits and boundaries of professional communication. Every employee of an organization cannot afford to delegate and leave things for his group to handle everything from resolving issues to ensuring code of conduct and behaviors.

Setting the tone, culture, behaviors among professionals can go a long way in determining the success of an organization. It is the responsibility of the senior leaders of an organization to pay attention to the core values they believe in and ensure code of conduct among professionals in their organizations. It is critical for a growing organization to pay attention to these details.

Almost every organization emphasizes and sets goals, drives its employees for results. The process to get to destinations, to reach milestones is a struggle that the employee undergoes either alone or as a group that he/ she can place trust in.

A little morale booster on a regular basis can certainly help!


What kind of boosters help the employee keep up with the turmoil during the process of reaching goals and achieving results?

Is it the sole responsibility of the employee to keep up his/ her enthusiasm that prevailed on the first day of work?

Is attention paid to the code of conduct among professionals when reporting, giving feedback evaluating performance?

How do trend setters, leaders enable refinement of style and behavior in an organization?


1. 10 reasons to design a better corporate culture
