Monday, August 3, 2009

Role of business plan

Businesses are planned and executed by positive, learned, enthusiastic, ambitious and passionate people. I believe that a successful business is managed in an organized fashion by a number of such people with exemplery daily routines as well as thorough preparation and planning.

It is a misconception to think that managing a business or an organization successfully and consistently year by year is done by just putting together a number of qualified people (by the market trends / or by the intuition of recruitors).

The following are a few questions to reflect on for the aspiring IS professional who is keen to be part of a successful organization.

How would one react when the "organization" they are working for is falling rapidly or disintegrating slowly by just observing the way the daily routines are handled in the organization?

What can be done other than just wishing that there was more transparency to decision making on crucial long term strategic issues that affect the organization?

How could one provide support when things seem to be destined for failure?

How would one overcome the obstacles realising that a majority of organizations might not be openly listening to unsolicited ideas?

How does one understand and act on the mistakes being made by their leaders?

How would one ensure the organization's health and strength long term with an understanding of the complexities involved?

How can one understand the preparation and planning needed to execute with new as well as proven techniques?

Above everything how does an aspiring IS professional understand how success is sustained for long term in the business they are interested in?

What could be the formulas for long term business success?

I came across two books that might provide answers to the above questions as well as expose the novice / experienced IS professional towards the complexities of managing a business.

Providing key to consistently winning businesses is perhaps the single motto of this book. One can attempt to understand patterns behind the success and failure of some chosen businesses in the book titled "Big Winners and Big Losers" by Alfred Marcus.

A guide to effective business planning avoiding pitfalls and major flaws is the book titled "The Definitive Business Plan" by Richard Stutely.

A successful professional (man/ woman) is a mini business that must be following some principles / patterns consistently to win big. He too should strive to find "sweet spots" balancing agility, focus and discipline that allow him to achieve big. He too should plan methodically, identify the flaws in the business before they occur and prepare for winning and losing predictably.

I find the books demonstrate the principles that are useful for every professional to follow for consistent success.



2 Definitive Business Plan by Richard Stutely

3. The Mindset of a Problemfinder