Friday, March 5, 2010

Theory and Practice

"Thought and theory must precede all salutary action; yet action is nobler in itself than either thought or theory" - William Wordsworth

In practice:
There are users and customers of information systems who don't follow the purpose behind the features they can exploit to the fullest potential. Many users of products don't take time to provide feedback for improvements. They do grumble on what could be better.

There are developers who put aside reading and learning to catch up with trends. Many claim to be experts on everything they have heard of.

There are testers and managers who just do testing and just manage.

There are Sales people who dream big and get little in numbers.

There are true and fake leaders who know and who think they know.

There are people who can't express themselves and just declare that nothing can be done around.

There are also people who find other people doing too little or too much and are concerned about the borders and boundaries for work in the organization.

In both theory and practice:
Serious projects in the field of information systems require seriously engaged people. Information systems industry is about people who find joy in the work involving themselves what ever be their job role.