Thursday, April 29, 2010

Enterprise 2.0

Andrew McAfee demonstrates how technologies can be sold to organizations with his craft of facilitation and story telling techniques in his book titled Enterprise 2.0. The book is about collaborative technologies - web 2.0. It is also about the revolution of way work is done understanding group dynamics, range of ties among people of the enterprise in depth.

First, he builds the context with stories of businesses handling their problem areas and their desperate need for help.
Then, he provides history/ or the trials of technologies in providing the required help, the standardized beliefs about technologies contributing to group work, setting the stage for trends in solving "old problems with new approaches".

Readers are bound to be curious about the solutions that the author has to offer to solve their own organizations problems in the area of collaboration. The author continues to engage the reader building the case for web 2.0 with refined definitions during stages of discussion, trends that led to better tools, take away points of similarities and differentiators of the technologies offerings.

He clarifies possible skepticism on the use/ relevance of the technologies based on their features and their capabilities. The utility of these technologies for different purposes is then re-emphasised.

The author describes the patterns on the concerns/ risks of leaders for adoption of the technologies. Guidelines to deployment are provided.

In essence, the table of contents deliver what is promised in this book.
Very influential and informational book for the people deciding on adopting web 2.0 technologies for whatever be the type of organization.