Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thomas DavenPort's Analytics At Work for transforming business

The authors argue on how applying analytics is better than the traditional alternatives for decision making such as "bias, prejudice, self-justification, and unaided intuition".
Analytics at work is about
- monitoring and risk management with the available data and information to gain better insights into business,
- combining "the science of qualitative analysis with the art of sound reasoning",
- decision making including knowledge on the relevance of using analytics understanding the benefits depending on the applicable scenarios.

Analytics can be put to work for better transformational initiatives of the business with an understanding of the business operations.
The book is primarily about change/transition/ transformation at the enterprise level. The authors get the message across with the DELTA factor focusing on analytics. DELTA itself means "change" as used in the world of mathematics.
D is for data, e for enterprise, L for leadership, T for strategic targets and A for analysts in Analytics at work.
Information Systems/ technologies facilitate change at an enterprise level is the mantra here as any literature advocating the cause of business information systems. Key is to start the effort in steps enabling data integration on "transactions and business processes" with the help of ERP and CRM systems according to the authors.
The authors strongly advise the IT leaders to close the "language gap" between the two groups - business and IS/IT senior level professionals.