Thursday, May 6, 2010

Facebook & Twitter for online visibility

Search Engine Land provides search engine information that is useful for small business owners who might be looking for enhancing their online visibility.
I was following Danny Sullivan's talk focusing on "Search Platform - Friend or Vampire at the Web 2.0 Expo SF 2010".

This reminded me to go to to catch up on Search engine news and found a useful guest author blog on how small businesses can improve their online visibility. Visibility scores using for a local business in San Diego demonstrates how the business strived to make itself visible.

Advertising including Facebook and Twitter pages, creating one's own YouTube videos in addition to the conventional "yellow Book" or "Super Pages" is a trend. I find several local small businesses going in this direction for low cost, high impact advertising.

Here is the link to the blog:

Points to ponder:
Is creating Facebook and Twitter pages enough for small businesses to spread the word about their business?