Wednesday, July 28, 2010


A lot can be interpreted on the word "Openness" at the work place. Doors seem open but one cannot really enter. Eyes, ears and the mouth don't seem to exhibit their nature of work at work!

One gets exposed to several unique people at work. Work place provides learning experience that cannot be obtained elsewhere.

There is an inherent confidence and authority that one's position gives the person at work place. This also places a "mask" and turns issues that need attention as areas that can be deliberately overlooked.

Harvard Professor Amy Edmondson, in her lecture titled "Can Complex Organizations Learn" discusses this topic in detail and uses the term "psychological safety" which people resort to at work place where no questions are asked, no problems get solved and no feedback is taken and addressed and everything appears simple.

Several of Professor Amy Edmondson's articles can be found for further reading at the site for Harvard Business School Working Knowledge.

People will not be able to develop a healthy outlook towards their organization in such a work atmosphere. They slowly tend to attend to themselves and their own well being rather than develop the broader outlook towards their organization.

What is better - self centered employees or those employees who can risk their own self interest and work towards the greater good of their organization with openness?

How can organizations truly adopt openness and transform for the better?

Do Web 2.0 technologies help build the confidence and trust among employees to embrace openness?