Friday, January 21, 2011

Fitting in an organization

This is the soul game between the employer and the employee. It is about contributing to the employer organization's values. It is also about adjusting to the environment, eating, drinking and living the stuff.

For a new employee there is a "freshman period" and requires a fitting in process in order to be more effective to the organization. The process must be able to support and enable conditions necessary with utmost clarity. Training for the new employee what ever be the level will be necessary to make the process smoother.

Andrew McAfee author of Enterprise 2.0 presents a case study of how the problem of new hire effectiveness was addressed in VistaPrint at the management level. They questioned themselves on what is necessary for a new hire from time to time and the questions produced several topics. They found that wiki technology was suitable for "organizing and capturing" such knowledge. The company's engineers contributed to the content McAfee notes that the process of understanding the problem at hand and not forcing a design for the layout resulted in the above solution.


Comment on how the new hire effectiveness is addressed at your workplace?

Describe a day of the new hire at your company? How does it change in a week, month and three months?