Thursday, March 17, 2011


Many new opportunities are discovered watching for trends. The aspiring professionals need not take new trends as a burden if he/ she are watchful with their own expectations. A key to this is to take reasonable time to figure out one's own mindset as part of preparation.

As part of the exercise to arrive at one's own preferences, keeping notes on ideas is useful. Questioning on the ideas regularly will help. Not to forget to keep notes on the questions too. While looking for answers to the earlier questions, new questions arise. Time spent on keeping notes never goes waste, for it helps achieve clarity over a period of time.

Once convinced of an area of interest, pursuing to learn more about it is the next step. Training and experience are part of the process for preparation to learn better. High school education teaches us the value of lab work and writing along with learning theory.

Applying what is learnt gives immense satisfaction. High school and college education seem to take us so far successfully.

Every new hire wishes the transition from the ideas discovered on trends to reality is smooth and that one's own boss/ or organization provides the environment and enable the transition. However, many of the lessons learnt with education and training become questionable in the hidden "real" world.

The most disturbing trends to watch for are the changes happening with leaders and organizations. The interests and fit of the new hire is not properly tracked and the employee-organization relationships are not mutually valued.

Confusion results in turmoil when leaders are not clear themselves about trends. If leaders themselves resort to short cuts instead of taking responsibility for themselves and their organization, the effect on the new entrants can be fear, turmoil about their place in the organization.

Many questions arise during preparation for change. This seems to be the most accepted part of transitioning.

Points to ponder:

How can leaders lessen the new entrants confusion on trends?

What can an organization do to capitalize on the opportunities with new trends without affecting their people negatively?

Who is responsible to avoid confusion - leaders, new hires themselves, education, training system, organizations?

Some inspiring examples where ideas took shape to reality:

Ideas Worth Spreading

Never mind Textbooks

Breaking the barriers with sound