Sunday, May 22, 2011


One of the most fundamental responsibilities of an aspiring professional is thinking with preparation.

Preparation is about a genuine quest with inquiry, research, writing, story telling, achieving clarity at the minimum. There is more to the list of traits that allow sound preparation.

Some of them are:
- understanding the tone and culture of people one interacts with,
- questioning critically and systematically,
- dealing with riks, challenges, uncertainty and beliefs,
- dealing with change and being flexible understanding the influences of bias and heuristics
- being able to dream and visualise.

Points to ponder:

Is the curriculum at the high school, undergraduate level adequately preparing students emphasising the importance of thinking? Does the preparation from schools enable growth of self sufficient professionals?

Does the early training at organizations provide the building blocks for thinking thru situations that are specific to the organizations for new hires?

A must read for anyone interested in building researching skills with systematic thinking avoiding common pitfalls is the book titled "The craft of Research" by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams.