Thursday, October 20, 2011

Analytical or holistic thinking?

Breaking the system into its constituent parts and understanding how they behave is the basis for analytical  thinking. The drawback in this is that the behavior of parts is different by themselves and it is not identical when it is put together as a whole.
With holistic thinking, the system is understood in a larger context about breaking down into its constituent parts. This is the basis for understanding how the system behaves as a whole and why it behaves so. 

Both the thinking skills are required to understanding the system as a whole to make informed decisions.  Why?

Conflicts that arise with multiple viewpoints and priorities can be effectively resolved with holistic thinking. The manager/ professional would be able to appreciate one's own portion of work and still not loose holistic insight into a situation. Such a professional will be able to contribute working in teams as well as effectively lead teams.

Points to ponder:

What kind of thinking helps execution overcoming obstacles when decisions are made?

Are revisions to decisions a hindrance to execution?  

How do different approaches to thinking affect in the short and long term?

What is the effect of different ways of thinking in technology related (change is often and constant) management and decision making?

Cultivating systemic thinking in the next generation of business leaders