Saturday, December 31, 2011

On global web based platforms and state of business

Phil Simon's latest "The age of the platform" is a must read for at least two reasons for a novice professional in the Information systems industry.
First, to understand what is meant by a "global web based platform" through the businesses Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google. It helps to get to more resources on the business related topics on these "Gang of four" companies. This book will certainly motivate the reader to study further using the several magazine articles and books such as "Staying Power" by Michael Cusumano, "Facebook Effect" by David Kirkpatrick cited in this book.
Second, the book is well organized demonstrating clarity of the purpose - it is meant to reach the reader about the principles adopted behind platforms focusing on the leaders in the business. It certainly will help the reader organize the thoughts on these topics in a methodical manner.
I enjoyed reading this book which is short, precise and clear. Hope future versions will have more colorful pictures and references to more youtube videos!