Saturday, April 21, 2012

A knowledge based business

There are six elements of knowledge based businesses according to the authors Stan Davis and Jim Botkins of the HBR article titled "The coming of knowledge based business" published in '94.
The six elements with relevance to today's businesses and products are presented below.
- The more you use knowledge based offerings, the smarter they get (Apple products - iPod, iPad, iPhone)
- the more you use knowledge based offerings, the smarter you get (students today use iPad to check in to their class, take notes, Facebook to exchange notes, mobile apps to wake up and go about their morning chores..)
- Knowledge based products and services adjust to changing circumstances (location aware and personalized mobile apps, GPS).
-  Knowledge based businesses can customize their offerings (Amazon recommendations)
- Knowledge based products and services have relatively short life cycle (?)
- Knowledge based businesses enable customers to act on real time (Twitter, Facebook, blogs, and other  social network products used on intranets and internet).