Monday, January 6, 2014


Accepting and giving feedback is viewed as a measure to reflect on the growth as well as the strengths and weaknesses in an organization. The purpose of feedback remains the same although new approaches and means to collect information and data about the person's performance increased over the years.

Feedback process has undergone transformation from keeping a record of the employee's performance for the year (aka performance review) a one on one contract for performance to a 360 degree viewpoint observing interactions, work ethics of the person on the job over a period of time.
Feedback in both virtual and real world situations is not very different. Tracking and observing the performance online is much easier in a given setting, especially a classroom.

As long as all these measures work towards the progress of the organization and the individual, everything is taken in the lighter spirit of things. It is an enjoyable and encouraging conversation, with much to look forward to whether it is cash or comfort. Friction arises when feedback process is used as a means for any other purpose where the emotional, behavioral and several other relationship dimensions figure in the process beyond the tolerance levels of the individuals involved.

In order to get work done, anyone undergoes certain amount of pleasure and pain along with said and unsaid motivations and brickbats. While every piece of work may not result in praise and recognition, taking criticism is not usually welcome even though it is well intended. Underlying theme for criticism should be constructive towards achieving the work ahead and nothing else. Unfortunately, people dynamics vary in every situation. Feedback of peers or superiors varies to some extent on their own perceptions and understanding at a given point of time.

I doubt if  collecting more data along with involving more people in soliciting feedback material helps the person's growth or the health of the organization. When feedback promises are not kept or followed up from either side focusing on the purpose of feedback, it is just a piece of paper to be cherished or put aside by the individuals. Healthy organizations must invest time in allowance for deeper insights with the motivations and talent of the individual. Compromises made are tolerable until the tension and stretch are in balance for the greater good of the individual and the organization. Otherwise, the process can lead to leaks and breaks.

It is up to the individual to keep it in perspective that the feedback has its due place and value. To use it for constructive growth for one's own sake is always beneficial. Key to this is to be able to put aside the obstacles and barriers of words and deeds that happen as part of the process.

Heen, S., & Stone, D. (2014). Find the Coaching in Criticism. Harvard Business Review, 92(1/2), 108-111.