Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Collaboration – Dealing with conflicts, courage to disagree

Teaching and facilitation for team work is generally on the conflicts that occur with the project work process and schedule.

An important area that is often missed by performing teams is to take the time to present conflicting scenarios to consider alternatives. Questioning assumptions, understanding constraints and documenting them to justify the decisions is part of any progressive project proposals. Students and facilitators require training to include this very important aspect of openness in decisions. The dialogue among teams needs to be free and focused on the subject matter.

While team conflicts and resolutions focus on the people and project level issues, the conflicts that arise for progress in the subject matter cannot be neglected.  In the case of peer reviews conducted for software development, this aspect comes into play to ensure software quality and adhere to service level agreements. Conflicting interests of stakeholders need to be managed in a collaborative manner to meet the requirements of the software application. With several customers and consumers for every software endeavor, both standardization and customization need balancing approaches to come to consensus.

Peer reviews or code inspections are considered a “best practice” conducted in a collaborative environment among the groups of developers and authors. They are conducted face to face as well as in asynchronous settings focusing on the software to be developed.  It requires preparation to be able to review a peer or team member’s work. Unfamiliarity about the team member’s work will not allow for a proper review and is an obstacle to progress. During properly practiced reviews, the author and reviewer roles become quite “blurred” as the process encourages exchange of views as well as taking on each other’s responsibilities towards better output for the product. Change management is a continuous process that is associated with the review process. The review requires expertise and only senior level, experienced members need to be involved in the process. It certainly encourages collaboration and discussion in very novel ways (Rigby, P., Cleary, B., Painchaud, F., Storey, M., & German, D. (2012)).


Rigby, P., Cleary, B., Painchaud, F., Storey, M., & German, D. (2012). Contemporary Peer Review in Action: Lessons from Open Source Development. IEEE Software, 29(6), 56-61. doi:10.1109/MS.2012.24
