Wednesday, September 5, 2007

IS professional - A self organized knowledge worker

A self organized knowledge worker exhibits some of the following traits.

Enthusiastic and analytical, problem solver, can do attitude overcoming obstacles, ability to keep things simple while resolving complex problems, listens to and mentors others, leader and a follower, team player who can work independently.

Flexible (flexible to learn and unlearn), rigid (to take up a problem and resolve it with a disciplined mind and set principles as guidelines).

Communicates with several types of people both amateurs and highly skilled and matured practitioners about processes, practices, and technologies.

Collaborates to co-create and co-work in teams. Team work does not just mean working individually contributing to a team's goals. It means to participate in the team's work with a sense of ownership, to appreciate the big picture and to be ready to handle the little details as a privilege. The focus is to value the outcome and co-operate. This means keeping the little "I" to rest, many times!

Exhibits humility - for every problem to be solved, there are always better/ different ways of resolving. No solution is right/ perfect. Listen and review other's suggestions

Exhibits pride - shows ownership for the work done or taken up. At the same time prepares for mediocrity! The 80/20 principle works well in most setups! In other words there is no expectation for perfection!

Knowledgeable -both theory as well as applied skills. In depth involvement not loosing the big picture.

Practitioner skills - possible most times following a discipline. However, each case / project is unique to a large extent.


Accepts virtuality as reality! This is not as abstract as it sounds. Work environments are neither bounded by geographic location nor the time zones.


Adopts a company (vendor, business, professional services, emerging trends)
Follows it's trends over a period of time. Learns and unlearns!

Learning Approaches:

Learns from Patterns observed and practices:

Learns from understanding about established patterns offered in theory as well as those applied by senior professionals.

The learning trait is similar to appreciating literature or poetry. In the field of literature, first the student learns by reading and understanding several works of established authors. Then he learns to critique great works. And there is no perfect way to achieve this.
The patterns observed are similar to the architectural patterns of the engineering industry such as "structural engineering, automobile engineering" industry.