Thursday, September 6, 2007

Systems Analysis

Goal of systems analysis is to understand the system and its requirements better. Systems requirements are identified and prioritised, several initial questions such as who uses the system, what will the system do, where and when will it be used are answered. The system continues to evolve from this stage.

The system begins to start taking shape on paper, modeled for its usage, behavior and gets to show some of its traits such as a prototype from here. Every detail originates and grows from here.
Technical, economic, operational, schedule, legal feasibilities are thought of and stakeholders identified and involved. Proposals detailing these areas are produced. This big picture continues to take branches and helps understand the current system as it is. It also enables to envision the future system to be.

Basic Systems Analysis course and its value cannot be underestimated for a practicing professional. It is a practice that stands by the professional throughout.

Supporting Tools and their usage is a matter of training and getting used to the various facilities. A manual day planner led to Google's real time web based planner. The features and facilities are there to ease the use and enable offerings never imagined before.

Let the systems thinking, modeling and analysis help you as you embark on an ambitious journey.

Points to ponder:

1. How do some tools training help a professional grow analytical thinking?

2. What could be the roles a systems analyst can play in an organization?

3. Why are technology choices and improvements seen as overwhelming replacements of human logic or manual approaches?

4. Why is it that a good human planner misjudged as "old fashioned or not technically savvy Google planner"?

5. Why do "technology horror stories" happen when a system is upgraded or replaced by newer technologies?

6. What is the time factor that people and processes can be replaced before technology takes over in an organization?

7. Are there any processes or procedures to handle these often heard mishaps? Who handles what and how something gets done?