Thursday, September 6, 2007

IS Professional In A Virtual Organization

Probing the impact of a virtual organization [1] on working Information Systems Professionals and their skills provides some interesting insights into professional behavior as follows.

IS professional
- self organizes by paving his/her own learning path based on goals and objectives of the virtual organization, self evaluates from time to time and self adjusts according to the transitions and trends of the virtual organization.

- resolves issues with independent research and analysis transparent to time zones and geographic locations, self adjusts and balances work life situations in a virtual organization (several products help balance work life situations [2])

- communicates and uses several tools (usually self discovered) and techniques to get the message across (Multi-Instant Messaging with colleagues in order to keep up with the items requiring attention!).

Certain intangible traits such as enthusiasm, inspiration, humility and pride are self evaluated and balanced with techniques unique to oneself from time to time (Some emoticons do come in handy for those who need help here). Trust can be monitored with the help of web analytics. I am not aware of inter-personal relationship tools if there are any.

Some points to ponder:

What could be the ideal virtual organization culture for valued outcomes from the people and processes?

Does the intangibile nature of the organization influence both amateur and matured professionals similarly?

What is the role of a mentor in a virtual organization? How do amateurs learn and unlearn?

What is the role of a "traditional organization" in the context of "virtual organization" and "self organized" professional?

"Virtual Organization is a collection of business units in which people and work processes from the business units interact intensively in order to perform work which benefits all" (Porter, 1990. Competitive Advantage of Nations. New York: Free Press).

2. For example, many Fortune 500 companies choose Xylo online products to help employees balance responsibilities at work and at home.