Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Pressures & Obstacles to Overcome

In order to get one's plans heard and supported by another, it would require several positive energies. It is better to be prepared for the pressures and obstacles to overcome while getting the job done.

Pressure from lack of resources, commitment from key members of the organization, variation in the cultural background of the members, lack of responsibility, lack of trust on the leaders or champions, uncertainity on the return on investment are not unheard of by the Information systems professionals.

These need not cause inhibitions to take up the issues that require attention. Finding and preparing for ways to address the issues in a timely manner is not impossible.

Education and training certainly helps at all levels. Referring to case studies under similar circumstances give insights into complexities involved rather than depending on intuition. Perfection is not the expectation here. Reasons for failure can be many. However success is always attributed to knowledge of the issues on hand, commitment, participation, co-operation, effectiveness of leaders and methods adopted.

To get things done, people will have to be willing to be flexible. Processes can be amended for serving a greater purpose. Attention to details does not mean ignoring the essentials.

I came across systematic approaches on the subject in the chapter "Successful Enterprise Architecture planning" in the book titled "Enterprise Architecture Planning" by Steven H.Spewak . It is valuable to keep notes on these issues and be prepared. The fact that there are arguments, obstacles and pressures implies that the work under discussion is worth the debates. Winning professionals overcome those in a graceful manner.