Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pride And Accomplishment

Why is it that the majority of the people working for big and small businesses in the field of information systems in this decade are not proud and feel accomplished? This has to do with two main issues on the surface. Commoditization and globalization. There is also another issue that is not discussed much. It is about leadership.

Somehow, organizations and their leaders keep "inspiration and motivation" low in their list of things to attend to. Many ineffective words, deeds and rankism mask the sense of purpose to the individual professional while working for his/ her organization. It becomes the sole responsibility of the individuals to motivate themselves.

Leaders have a responsibility to enable their people feel the sense of a higher purpose on a daily basis whether it is serving a customer or changing the world. It is "the finer element" that the people and their work matters in the bigger scheme of things. Repeated negativity enforced that people and "IT does not matter" [Reference 1] by people "who do not know that they don't know" [Reference 2] is certainly a wrong doing to the people.

Leaders of businesses such as Apple, Starbucks, Amazon, Netflix, Google and Chipotle must have something in common and may be similar with their people and their products.

Reference 0:
Full of Beans: How a Classically Trained Chef Reinvented Fast Food at

Reference 1:
IT does not matter by Nichollas Carr at

Reference 2:
Why IT does matter at