Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Time For Break For Leaders

Leaders/ facilitators in organizations can formulate their exit criteria at the right time. When I say right time, I mean the time to self reflect/ follow an exit criteria.

The right times occur several times during the life cycle of projects. These are times that the roles of leaders / facilitators are questioned and challenged about their approaches to leadership.

The questions and challenges occur when the teams are in chaos or in complete order. This is quite a paradox.

I would think, that during chaos, the leader does not quit from the work ahead. He/she addresses the challenges and questions, brings order to group by serving the group in several possible capacities.

When the group is in complete order (believe it - these times do happen within the life cycles of the project), the time is certainly ripe for the leader to move on to focus on something new or refreshing!

Some key points to ponder:
1. Who determines the exit criteria of a leader?

2. What could be the criteria to determine exit readiness?

3. Is it beneficial to link job roles to sessions/ stages of a project life cycle?