Friday, May 14, 2010

Collaborative Tools - Context for the Enterprise

Blogs, Wikis, Facebook and other collaborative tools are very easy to use. There appears to be high level adoption in the consumer web space (internet users are many, even a low percentage appears to be high in numbers). Inherent openness with no central control, ability for readers and participants to enrich content, ability to tag, link in order to organize and structure content are some of the features. Debatable area is control of users and content.

For the enterprise, adoption to openness is the biggest challenge.

Blogs and Wikis promote openness and participation from multiple sources (employees, participants in the supply chain and other stakeholders) in comparison to the closed channels such as email and instant messaging. Opinions expressed are open for further debate. Abnormal behaviors during participation is minimal as there is scope for self correction within the participating community.

The collaborative tools offer channels for direct communication regarding topics in an organization that would not have been addressed with multiple perspectives. They are especially useful for leaders to know the patterns of their organizations/ people they are leading.

The concerns on the risks due to uncontrolled openness as well as lack of compliance can actually be resolved in such open channels/ environments. However paying attention to the participants is the key. Genuine concerns need to be heard and addressed is the only approach to mitigate risks of openness. Facilitating such collaborative environments is key to successful organizations.

Community Managers/ Facilitators have a role to help keep the collaborative environment healthy. Establishing and enforcing policies for tone of the users and the quality of the content in the enterprise is important though.

Sources/ References:

Enterprise 2.0, New Collaborative Tools for your organization's toughest challenges by Andrew McAfee, HBS Publishing [Chapter 5, Uniquely Valuable, Benefits of enterprise 2.0].

Developing Strategies for web 2.0 in the enterprise