Monday, May 10, 2010

Web 2.0 (definition)

Definitions and usage patterns of web 2.0 have been many and evolving. I find the following useful for clarity for a business/ enterprise.

1. Web 2.0 opportunities (source - New communication behaviors in a web 2.0 world)

- personal and engaging advertising,
- real time insights into people's behaviors to target advertising and services
- huge broand band traffic requiring new and faster broad band technologies
- growth of the enterprise 2.0 with interactivity web and peer-to-peer based software applications. Increased collaboration with usage of API's, mashups integrated into the software platforms, Virtual meetings, virtual interactions and product shows with customers.
- mobile web adaptations.

2. Web 2.0 Usage patterns
O'Reilly's site as well as Dion Hinchcliff's blog are comprehensive resources on the web.
Service oriented architecture (SOA), Mashup (aggregating content), SAAS (Software as a service), Wisdom of crowds, Tagging are drawing attention of those involved.

3. "Web 2.0 is not a new technology. It is an emerging usage pattern"
Chapter 1, page 41 of Enterprise Cloud computing by Andy Mulholland et al.;

Points to ponder:
What could be the context of web 2.0 for the enterprise? Any examples?