Friday, December 27, 2013

Topics on business and managerial uses of information

The business uses of information is how the ERP, CRM story evolved over the decade. This is where I try to highlight how products evolve to suit business needs. I stress on SAP product evolution and Salesforce here. Some students are exposed to these products at work...
For managerial uses of information, I stress decision making in a data driven culture here. It is business intelligence and analytics re-visited but with more emphasis on decision making, impact of bias and heuristics, obstacles for teams to overcome to get their message across. The connections of business intelligence, analytics, big data are discussed understanding the evolving data products.  
As for presenting data in the business context, I highlight data visualization, growing only because of the several tools and technologies to allow presenting data in a meaningful way stressing the importance of story.
I must mention the influence of the Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink in understanding how the world is getting "reorganized and rebuilt" and the mindset that helps for professionals and leaders paving way of the future. In fact, there are several in the list, Abundance by Peter Diamandis, Eric Schmidt's "The new digital age".
These books are powerful works with insights into how the future would be...I use examples from these to get the message across on what type of projects are key to growth.
Different countries and people view mobile devices, information and systems and are impacted by their growth very differently. Products must pay attention to the context to win all.