Friday, December 27, 2013

Topics on Wireless and mobile world

The most visible transformation of the developing world as well as advanced world with mobile/ wireless is the topic I emphasize when I facilitate on these topics. Context and stories differ widely for the two sides of the world with the wireless and mobile devices.
Scott Snyder's wireless world is a book that gives takes the story of wireless predicting future with scenarios from business, personal lives in all parts of the world and communities. He also dwells on a 101 level of wireless technologies for basics.
My experience with the Indian context (and mind set) helps me immensely to see how lives are transformed at the grass root level. My regular travels allow me to interact and chit chat with all these people.. how they manage their lives with the impact of technologies. C K Prahalad's Fortune at the bottom of the pyramid comes to life here.
Important points covered are that mobile devices are not just phones or small devices - they are all about portable computing leading to "connectivity, augmented reality, and sophisticated sensors" (Ted Shelton).

Ted Shelton's Business models for the social mobile cloud chapter three is useful reading on this aspect. I touch upon the above concepts with examples for the class.
Here, the UN site for information technologies is so useful for glimpses into the statistics of internet and mobile adoption worldwide, projects happening world wide to make a difference in the lives of many. Truly, mobile and wireless technologies aim for oneness and it is "ideal globalization" with ubiquitous computing.

From the ideals, I move on with the challenges for the enterprise with mobile devices - BYOD (bring your own device) as well as in the social context. We touch upon cyber crime with mobility a growing concern...We as people, have decided to give up privacy for convenience in the name of adopting mobile so fast...Still, it is a much needed development.

Again the convergence of mobile, social and cloud is briefly mentioned as the trend that is evolving and valuable to the enterprise.