Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Story of a class I teach

The target audience for the classes I teach are students from all walks of life (mostly business and IT) who are 5 - 6 years experienced, mostly working, transitioning towards their next step with education. There are some who are quite seasoned professionals, some others are from the military/ navy/ local government and bank employees (whose organizations are quite large) - all taking the next step to progress with education. They are techno savvy consumers I must say!
I bring a diff flavor to the classes I teach promoting activities that make students think of their organizations, job roles, collaboration and decision making at their work places, and how technologies influence every part of their personal and work lives. I tell them to assess their organizations and their job roles boldly. If the organization itself is failing, there is not much technologies can do. There is much that can be accomplished in an organization that values technologies as well as by an individual entrepreneur. These are the view points about the context I bring to the classroom. 
I take this as an opportunity for influencing their thinking on how both businesses and the IT departments themselves are changing, forming a different world, and how people already have a very prominent virtual identity. In the 50 to 60 years of computing industry, influences of technology vendors and consultants on business decisions is another view point I bring to them. So it is also a history class to some extent.
I focus mostly on the business side for the consumer and SMB professionals.
We exchange views on the happenings on a larger scale mostly taking their news and their view into consideration.