Sunday, December 1, 2013

Ten (more) balancing tactics for starter's advantage in an organization

 - Learn to start writing on simple issues first

- learn how to write a status report
- learn how to make a mark (aka impress) in the organization
- learn how to align your own goals with the organization's goals
- understand the blurring boundaries - primary and secondary responsibilities.

- learn how to make listening as well speaking clearly a habit...
- Be neither too enthusiastic to express,  nor be too aware to take a back seat
(this looks contrary to the norm on the surface, but can be useful tactic)
- Avoid making statements without substantial evidence
- Learn to deal with being at cross roads (which route to take, how to get there when "there" is not defined?)

Handle difficult issues next.
- handle debates between being academic and being intellectually active
- handle debate between being popular and being sought after
- learn to judge the situation and act for achieving the higher purpose
- understand priorities of stakeholders (teams, managers, leaders, other organizational staff)
- Realize there are generation gaps in thinking in an organization
- Stand up for an ideal and strongly believe in it.

- Accept that it takes time to build one's foundation in an organization
- Understand that it requires decisions to embrace as well as quit the organization.

Recognize the individual's journey in the organization. Organization is a catalyst for one's own journey.