Sunday, August 17, 2014

Cliché Advice to the entrepreneur

The opportunities to take on new ventures happen to anyone who is open to evaluate and identify the potential to grow the idea. School projects, ideas and needs in and around the neighborhood, voices  and concerns of consumers and customers,  people in news are just some of the sources for  opportunities. An entrepreneurial mind assesses the benefits and risks carefully and takes the first step to progress with what he/ she believes it as an opportunity.
Opportunity analysis, business plan development and implementation keep the process going. The progress with the initial phases starts to demand more resources from the individuals involved. It is during this time that the doubts arise about seeing through the process towards the finish line. However, the finish line is really not an end of the project. It is just the beginning of the next step. Addressing the issues that gave rise to the doubts is key to progress with enthusiasm. Friends and family, collaborative teams play a crucial role in keeping the rhythm of the process to progress.
I like to treat a business venture (or for that matter any project) as a science experiment. Study, method, discipline and documentation go a long way to give the necessary support for any venture to progress. While it appears to take time on the onset, the preparation culture brings about a maturity to handle tough problems, and take up unforeseen challenges more naturally. No project or problem will appear chaotic to the disciplined individual.  

Google experienced an astounding growth in the very first year that Larry Page and Sergey Brin joined hands to work on the search engine they teamed up at School. This story may be unique to talk about, but the opportunity for a search engine to grow at the rate Google did is filling a need at that time – with the assets on the Internet waiting to be found.

Consider the Yelp app. I am not bringing up Yelp to compare it with Google. Yelp is a specialized service in the search arena. Yelp is a handy app on your mobile phone, to use it for a very specific purpose. You just search for a restaurant at the middle of a new city you are touring around. You get the restaurant list beckoning you to pick your choice and have a good evening.

A search engine like Google is working in the background for Yelp. You get the point – don’t mix up the timings – Yelp is what you need today – but you can’t get to it without the Search engine in the background. Sometimes, one may be too way ahead of  ideas to make them happen in reality. Hence, the study, method, analysis, people to support.