Sunday, August 17, 2014

Glimpses into Emerging Trends - power of the smart phone

Glimpses into Emerging trends – power of the smart phone

Activities with mobile phone is becoming part of daily life for many.
Accessing the phone for the daily activities could start from browsing the social media networks, watching for weather and news, email, traffic conditions and maps, playing games, listening to music and searching for places and things.

The smart phone is clearly taking over even the tablet.
This raises questions as to how to utilize the power of the smart phone in business.

Consider the Moble, Apps, Cloud  infrastructure for a small business.
Mobile – has the potential to integrate everything to do with the traditional media - all that is necessary to ship and deliver your products.

Apps don’t require software license, they connect people and business processes to wherever you are. It does n’t matter where the worker is, the technology comes in handy to manage the workflow connecting with colleagues, customers, suppliers.

Think Apps such as skype, Square, Quickbooks,, Google Translate.

Try doing an internet search – “small business apps” for more insights on this topic.

Cloud digital storage, pay as you go approach are popular with small businesses for transmitting files and documents. These new ways are forcing businesses to rethink how to conduct business. Concerns of fraud, privacy and security issues are prevalent, requiring caution. 

Delaney, Laurel J.( © 2013). Exporting: the definitive guide to selling abroad profitably

Chapter 9: The Mobile World at Work