Sunday, August 17, 2014

Digital learner centered environment in Education

Learner centered environments

Role of technologies is growing for knowledge management, self and team organization, process and project management, communication and several of the social media as informal learning tools. The facilitator facilitates the learner to self learn and collaborate, participates in all these areas on the side as a guide.
The “one tablet per child”, “AkashTablet” initiatives are indicating how important it is to learn by doing – especially using technologies. Standards are key to conformity.  Encouraging entrepreneurial mindset is to break the conformity where change is much needed.

Khan Academy is one of the many ventures that is changing the way children do homework and classwork. NIIT Delhi’s Mitra’s experiments with educating children with no formal background in the subject, Nicholas Negropante (one laptop per child initiatives of MIT Media Lab), Hans Rosling ( his famous global population bubble map, experiments with statistics are changing the way statistics can be taught using massive data of the world) are just a few ventures happening.

 The MIT opencourseware is useful as a “go to place” for searching and finding how experts in the field think on the subject you are exploring. I registered with Coursera to find out more about how a topic like Entrepreneurship is being taught in other universities. How to learn, how to incorporate such great, high quality, freely available resources in the curriculum is becoming a challenge for the educators.