Saturday, January 7, 2017

Customer in the digital world - Part II

Social media community influences:
The digital customer is engaged in social media community settings. These settings have taken on in more than the brand and market push about the products they buy. This is evident by the Kodak social media ventures as a traditional business which was successful in pushing its products to customers in the earlier eras. The Kodak community is active with carefully planned social media strategy, listens to its customers and acts on the information with new versions of products addressing needs. Adopting the various social media to establish a ground for customer communication requires understanding the suitability of the media for the strategy.
IBM progressed with a focus on consumer behavioral tracking and economics with relevant, anticipating the needs of its consumer. For achieving this, IBM designs content with sharing as a primary focus, utilizing the tools intended to serve the purpose. Based on the consumer behaviors and consumption of the content, the company reaches out on a one on one basis personalizing the social engagement. Their optimal methods to reach the consumer allow for enabling their interaction as a service instead of creating noise for the consumer.    
The way Twitter is used is different from how Facebook is used by the digital communities. So is the case with YouTube channels and blogs. These social media and networks play the role of narrating to the customer a complete story of the products and services. Fear of overwhelming the customer with more than necessary information and connection points is the paradox faced by organizations.
Twitter is primarily used to post a tweet, the pre and post conditions for the tweet. Typically, an actor of Twitter does Login, post a tweet, search for people, search for words, follow trending topics and logs out. Facebook is used to earn fans with a pursuit to determine the “value of a fan” for marketing brands to the customer. The methods adopted to keep loyalty are through content and connection which is different from providing rewards to keep the customers loyal to the brand.

YouTube, blogs are popular channels for broadcasting content for consumers who can interact passively with the content creators. These have become catalysts in creating the consumer web as a platform of producers and consumers.    

Included in Part I of the essays on customer in the digital world.