Saturday, January 7, 2017

Customer in the digital world - Part III

Data influences :
(real time, integrated operations, data products and services, analytics, collaboration tools)

The data oriented customer services offerings have gone thru several stages in terms of computer based analytics. In the pre-web era, the static organizational information on operations and sales aided in making better decisions and forecasts using enterprise data warehouses. The internet and mobile operating systems enabled capturing data from external sources – both machine and human trails giving rise to more privileges and offerings to the customer. Consider Amazon’s recommendation engine working with the customer to select books based on customer preferences and browsing history. LinkedIn’s customer profile based data services and products enables professionals of the world compare and connect with the skills and talents making it a dynamic, real time warehouse of world talent. The new age of data enabled companies reflects in the growth of new companies such as Netflix. Starting as an online provider of rental DVDs for customers, Netflix used the power of analytics and algorithm based strong selection and inventory management data for its internet based subscription based offerings with on demand, all-you-can-watch offerings at the convenience and comfort of the customer. Rebuilding at hundred year old, traditional company such as UPS is clear with its drivers equipped with data on truck metrics monitoring speed, direction and several route optimizations to reach the customer.
In facilitating environments, users co-create and collaborate routinely, participating in production. In learner centered education, students use various collaborative tools within team settings as well as leave trail using administration fostered collaboration. This trail is data for student performance, analytics for school monitoring and tracking purposes.
The facilitator in these learner centered environments, has overall control of the student outcomes in knowledge dissemination using the various tools and resources provided on the learning platform.  In simulation and gaming environments, the student (or player) is encouraged to contribute as per the rules and conditions of the game. Here the central collaborator is the game conductor – whether thru machine or human intervention.
Users contribute on Viki in its collaborative environment to contribute to writing subtitles to shows and movies.

Included in Part I