Monday, March 5, 2018

Platform Strategy for Business - MOOCS course on edX

I took the course – Platform Strategy for Business (audit option, followed the discussions regularly and did all the homework!) the first time it was offered on edX. This post is not for advertising for the course, but I must mention that I was very satisfied and motivated by the syllabus (for a 6 week introductory course) and content delivery.
The course draws attention to the topics largely from the work of the teachers  Platform Revolution: How networked markets are tranforming the economy and how to make them work for you. Platform revolution is a thorough introductory work on all the major topics necessary to learn about the economic shifts caused by platforms. The other book that comes close to this book is MatchMakers: The new economics of Multi-sided platforms.
The class engaged the students with carefully chosen weekly readings, short videos, discussion questions, and quizzes. The peer review and feedback mechanisms are commendable for a MOOCS course. This course motivates anyone preparing to work with some high order thinking, academic, and theoretical foundations on not only the basics of platforms, but also on serious topics such as design and development issues and paradoxes, launching strategies,  pricing models, special topics on freemiums and openness, competitive strategies and traps for failure. I believe that learning begins after taking a course. There is so much to understand about platforms and their role in shaping the future of firms. This course is a pre-requisite for gaining insights and some of the necessary tools on serious topics on platforms.